National Honor Society for Dance Arts
Gasper's School of Dance is excited to announce our official sponsorship of a Junior AND Secondary Chapter in the National Honor Society for Dance Arts! The National Honor Society for Dance Arts (NHSDA) is a program dedicated to recognizing dance students for their outstanding artistic merit, leadership, and academic achievement in the field of dance. NHSDA also strives to foster an appreciation for dance as a true art form, worthy of recognition and prestige.
Those interested in being inducted into NHSDA should contact Chapter Sponsor Matt Gasper (701-234-9440, matt@gaspersschoolofdance.com) for more information.
What is the National Honor Society for Dance Arts (NHSDA)?
From their website
The National Honor Society for Dance Arts™ (NHSDA) is a program of the National Dance Education Organization. It is one of the most exciting benefits that NDEO offers its Institutional Members. The Secondary Program (grades 9-12) was implemented in 2005. The Collegiate Program was implemented in 2012, and a Junior Program (grades 6-8) was separated from the Secondary Program and officially launched in 2016. To date, there are over 1,000 chapters in the US and over 35,000 students have been inducted in the past few years.
NHSDA is a program of the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) whose mission is to "recognize outstanding artistic merit, leadership, and academic achievement in students studying dance and to foster an appreciation for dance as a true art form and one worthy of recognition and prestige."
The Junior program is for students in grades 6-8, and the Secondary program is for students in grades 9-12. NHSDA emphasizes community, kindness, and artistry. Students will identify and work towards their personal and professional goals. By participating in NHSDA, students will have a chance to be a part of projects, events, and other opportunities in addition to their traditional classes and performances that will help them reach these goals.
Program Types We Offer
Junior Program
Students in grade 6-8 or the local Middle School equivalent
15 points must be achieved in a single season.
To promote a desire for life-long learning in the field of dance.
To encourage an understanding of, and an appreciation for, dance as an art form and develop knowledgeable audiences for tomorrow.
Secondary Program
Students in grade 9-12 or the local High School equivalent
30 points must be achieved in a single season.
To identify honor students (grades 11 & 12) for nomination to the NHSDA Artistic Merit, Leadership and Academic Achievement Award, one of the highest honor programs for dance in the United States.
To promote a desire for life-long learning in the field of dance.
To encourage an understanding of, and an appreciation for, dance as an art form and develop knowledgeable audiences for tomorrow.
Why join Nationals Honor Society for Dance Arts?
Joining the NHSDA gives dancers great opportunities to further their education in and out of the classroom.​​
Recognition of their artistic merit, academic achievement, and leadership throughout their educational experience (Junior High- Collegiate)
Certificates at each level of induction, opportunity to wear the gold Honor Pin (Inductees) and blue and white Honor Cord (graduating students)
Mentorship from Chapter Sponsor and networking with peers.
Leadership and development opportunities within their NHSDA Chapter, as they can assist the Chapter Sponsor with Chapter administration, record keeping, fundraising, and event planning
National and State-level scholarship and award opportunities
Expectations if I Join?
We focus on both the artistic and academic achievements of students.
Participation in registered dance classes at Gasper's School of Dance.
Attend GSD National Honor Society of Dance Arts Chapter Meetings.
Participate in Winter Showcase and Spring Dance Gala.
Maintain a 3.3 or higher GPA.
Submit a paragraph on "why you want to be a member of NHSDA and how you think membership will benefit you."
Earning Points
Dancers will work throughout the season to earn points in order to qualify for induction into the National Honor Society for Dance Arts.
How can one earn points?
Taking class
Dance Performances (Winter Showcase, Spring Gala)
GSD Competition Team
Dance LEAP: Leadership Education Assistant Program
Dance Conventions and Workshops
Induction into NHSDA is earned through the accumulation of 15 points (Junior program) or 30 points (Secondary program) that are awarded for meritorious work in dance that meets the honor society's general guidelines (see "Point System Documents" below).
Once induction has been achieved, students can earn additional points in the same manner to qualify for graduation with honors.
The NHSDA organization also offers scholarship opportunities to graduating seniors.
Please note: An up-to-date report card will also need to be submitted at the end of each school semester.
Q & A
Q. How long does it take a student to earn the appropriate number of points for induction?
A. On average it takes about one full year to earn enough points for induction into the Junior or Secondary NHSDA Program for a serious, dedicated dance student. A student who approaches dance on a more part-time basis may take up to two years to qualify for induction.
NHSDA Chapter Name Search
Name: Gasper's School of Dance
State: North Dakota
GSD Secondary Chapter: 9th Grade - 12th Grade
GSD Junior Chapter: 6th Grade - 8th Grade
Ready to Join?
Are you ready to join our Chapter? Get started today and follow the LINK bel​ow to apply.​​​
Program Costs
Annual Membership Fee: $25
Induction: $20 (includes pin + certificate)
Graduation Cords: $20