Over the years we have been asked if we have a family max for tuition. We have not, we do discount classes based off the whole family, but there was no limit.
Well in our 2021-2022 season we introduce our FAMILY MAX Tuition plan. This is basically an unlimited plan for your family. Like our current unlimited plan by student, we will only charge you this amount if you qualify for the plan. If your tuition is cheaper than the plan, we will stick with our regular discounted price chart.
The new family max / family unlimited plan is $600* per month.
This is a $60 savings if you have two dancer‘s at an individual unlimited plan! And it will give the entire family an opportunity to jump into a class. Maybe dad always wanted to work on his drumming rhythm’s in Tap class and mom has always wanted to join ladies night at the barre, the ballet barre that is, in adult ballet.
Family means immediate family only and must be registered under the same family account.
* This includes class tuition only. Gala costumes, class gear, dance shoes, private lessons, coaching sessions, choreography fees, competition practice, competition costumes, competition fees, spring gala tickets, spring gala t-shirts, and other merchandise or special workshops or events are not included in this price.